Redbridge School of Gymnastics drew a large crowd!
Their death defying stunts drew much attention!
Striking poses as they balanced on one another...
RSG had a great presence in our procession their ribbons and cartwheels were stunning to watch.
Trophy winners for the second year - team leader Stephanie Thomas smiles with her girls!
All day Stephanie from RSG held a free Gymnastics workshop!
Winning is great!
Spartans Basketball Club won best Sports Participant Trophy!
An All female Basketball team showed real glamour exists in their sport!
Averley Twirlers showed off their massive collection of trophies!
The Spartan girls bossed the procession!
A packed Ilford was provided with info on the clubs successes..
Showing off the Spartans T-Shirt!
Shpresa girls at Carnival
It was all about Spartans for these girls!
Our Carnival Queen with the mascots..
An all day basketabll workshop was provided by Spartans free of charge for young children both days of Carnival.
The event was literally packed while these girls simply enjoyed themselves...
The Carnival Queen keeps the mascots warm with a big hug.
Shpresa Albanian Dance Group won two trophies! Best dance Group [in procession] and the Dance competition!
This group knows how to celebrate!
Shpresa illustrated how current culture can be!
If you participated at Carnival please send us other pics to add to this post. Thank You RSG.